Do we have too much in common with New York, Illinois and California?

– They are all Democrat run states – Hawaii has been controlled by democrats for 60+ years.

– They have more people leaving their states than arriving – Hawaii for the first time had more people leaving the state then moving here.  (Grassroot Institute video)

– All are high tax states – just like Hawaii.

– All are sanctuary states or have sanctuary cities – Hawaii tried in 2017. (HCR 166)

– These are pretty much Trump bashing states – we have not exactly been cordial either to our President! (HNN – To Trump, Aloha Also Means Goodbye)

“As people leave the state, they take their pocketbooks with them. That means there are fewer Illinoisans to pay the bills,” Orphe Divounguy, chief economist with the Illinois Policy Institute, told the Chicago Tribune. “It’s worrying because if you have a declining population and a declining labor force, you will for sure have a further slowdown of economic activity going into 2018.”As noted in the Illinois section “they take their pocketbooks with them. That means there are fewer Illinoisans to pay the bills.” Have our lawmakers figured this out yet?

Let’s make sure that our elected officials know that we do not want to follow-in the footsteps of these states.

When we go to vote in 2018, we need to know who we are voting for and what their values are.  We need to remind them they serve us and not special interest or themselves.

Nearly Half a Million People Fled these Three Blue States in 2017
By December 27, 2017