2021 Legislation Watch

1st Amendment
2nd Amendment
State Constitutional Amendments
Elections & Voting
Emergency Mgmt (COVID)
Law & Order
Money Matters
Right to Life

Scheduled Committee Hearings

2021 Legislative Update Emails

Update 6

Update 5

Update 4

Update 3

Update 2

Update 1


2021 Session Calendar

2021 Remote Committee Hearings & Testimony

Opening Day January 20, 2021

In light of the City and County of Honolulu’s current COVID-19 restrictions, the likelihood that the State Capitol will not be open to the general public, and social distancing limitations, please be advised that there will be no usual opening day festivities for the upcoming first year of the 31st Biennium Legislative Session on Wednesday, January 20, 2021.

Senate Committee Hearing Schedule

This schedule includes start and end times for each committee hearing. Committees will be required to finish their hearings when their assigned timeslots end in order to ensure IT staff have adequate transition time between hearings and to clean/disinfect the room.

Grants In Aid

Legislature will not be accepting and/or awarding any grants in aid applications during the 202 l Legislative Session.